Welcome to the Next Sanity Pet Starter - your comprehensive solution for creating pet-centric websites! Whether you're an animal shelter striving to get your adoptable pets noticed, or a responsible breeder wanting to showcase your pedigreed puppies, our starter template is crafted with your needs in mind.

The Next Sanity Pet Starter leverages the power of Next.js for seamless page navigation, Sanity CMS for efficient content management, and Cloudflare Pages for effortless deployment and scalability. But that's not all - we've also baked in some of the best web development tools for an even more robust solution.

With Tailwind CSS, you can style your site to perfection with low-level utility classes, enabling you to create unique designs without wrestling with opinionated styles. Embla Carousel React gives your site a slick, customizable carousel for showcasing your adorable pets or highlighting key content. And our lightweight YouTube video embedding, powered by react-lite-youtube-embed, lets you easily share video content while keeping your site loading speed snappy.

But we didn't stop at efficiency - we aimed for performance too. By employing Preact, we've ensured a smaller overall bundle size, helping to make your site fast, highly responsive, and more enjoyable for your users.

So why wait? Dive into the Next Sanity Pet Starter today, and create a pet-related website that truly stands out from the crowd - modern, efficient, and fully customizable to your specific needs.

See all of the puppies